National testing center

According to the Standard Rules for Admission to educational organizations that implement educational programs of postgraduate education, approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600, applications for admission to the master’s program are accepted by the admission commissions of organizations of higher and postgraduate education (hereinafter – OPVO).


*The deadline for accepting applications will be from June 1 to July 15 of the calendar year.

* Comprehensive testing (hereinafter referred to as CT) is conducted from July 20 to August 10 of the calendar year, enrollment – in August of the calendar year.


The entrance exam in Arabic and the creative exams for applicants to the Master’s program are held from 20 to 28 July of the calendar year.


Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until August 20 of this year.


The cost of participation in the CT is 8292 tenge.


* currently, changes are being made to the regulatory legal acts and changes in the terms and price list are possible.